BLOG: Eye-Popping Tips

From Karen Saunders

Your Branding, Marketing & Self-Publishing Coach

Archive for the ‘page layout’ Category

December 26th, 2007 | By: Karen Saunders

A 5-Step Workflow to Design a Marketing Project

You’re ready to begin—or think you are. You can efficiently design a marketing project by following these five steps. Whether you do it all yourself or hire professional help, your project will go through these five stages. Step 1 — Organize, Plan, Budget First, set the budget and deadline for your project. Your budget includes all or some of the following: writing, designing, editing, proofreading, illustrations, photography or stock imagery, choosing the right paper, printing, folding, binding, labeling, and distributing. Everything that goes into making the printed piece comes under the term “production.” To determine various production deadlines, start with the…

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September 23rd, 2007 | By: Karen Saunders

How to Create Professional Book Page Layouts

Your book’s more than a collection of words on pages. It’s your baby. But will other people find it as beautiful as you do? That depends. How do you dress it? In other words, what do your pages look like? Layout makes all the difference. You can have the most riveting, meaningful, Nobel prize-worthy masterpiece in the bookstore, but it will be very lonely on those shelves if no one wants to buy it. Here’s how John Q. Citizen shops for a book. He saunters into his favorite bookshop with nothing in particular in mind to purchase. He picks up…

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March 18th, 2007 | By: Karen Saunders

5 More Fantastic Tips to Design a Flyer or Brochure

What fits on one sheet and costs pennies to make? You see them all the time. Flyers are hugely effective, because you can make so many and distribute them all over the marketplace without having to spend a fortune. But just so your flyers don’t get lost in the shuffle, I’m going to show you the second 5 of 10 techniques professional designers use to design a flyer that will generate business for you. STAY AWAY FROM ALL CAPS. They’re hard to read! Instead, use bold type for your titles and subtitles. Keep it simple. Your page layout, that is….

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January 29th, 2006 | By: Karen Saunders

Award-winning Designer Reveals Secrets to Attractive Page Layouts

The way a book interior is designed has a part in whether the book will sell or not. A customer will not read—or buy—a book that is designed in a way that is difficult to read. If the type in your book is too small, or the spaces between the lines are too narrow, many prospective customers will move on to another book. Your goal with book design is to create an interior that is inviting, pleasing, and easy to read. This involves good use of fonts, word spacing, leading, line length, and alignment. Here are some techniques that professional…

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December 17th, 2005 | By: Karen Saunders

Capture Clients With Words That “Hook” and Graphics That “Kick!”

Do the marketing pieces you send out lack pizzazz and personality? Are they capturing the clients you want to work with? As your company’s in-house graphics person–perhaps more by default than by intention–you’re pressed to be a jack/jill-of-all-trades. You want to do a great job of producing promotional pieces, but you have little time to learn advanced design and marketing skills. Your ongoing challenge is learning to do a little more to get a lot better results–quickly and painlessly. How can you improve them? What Techniques Can You Apply NOW? Take these 5 design/marketing tips to heart. Using them consistently…

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