When discussing color with clients I’ve discovered some common color terms are misunderstood or confused with other definitions of a general or broader use of the terms. Some of these terms are very specific when used in the context of color theory and design, but may have quite different meanings in the minds of the general public. Tint In color theory a tint is a color with white added to it; a lighter version of the specific color. When white is added to red it will results in pink, which is a tint of red. In general use, a tint…
I would like to show you an example of the book cover design process by revealing a series of cover comps (ideas) we did for one of our client’s books. Nature’s Wisdom in the Workplace: Managing Energy in Today’s Health Care Organizations was published by Synergy Press, and authored by Sharon Cox, Jo Manion and Diane Miller. The Design Brief First we spoke with the client to get a list of information regarding the target market and book specifications. The design brief outlines the parameters for the style, colors, imagery and typography our designer needed to incorporate into the book cover design process: 6″ x…
We’ve created dynamic brands, eye-popping logos and attractive business cards for many clients. Here’s how we design effective business cards that become powerful sales tools. The secret is in crafting layouts that are full of power, punch and purpose . . . John Hall’s speaking platform is built on his 6-Step “Do What You Can” System. We designed his abstract logo with six 3D blocks. This image is the basis of his brand and book cover design. As a vital, motivational speaker it was important to show John’s engaging photo on the front of his card. To make him really…
Shown below are a few covers our team recently designed for our clients. We strive to create unique eye-catching book covers with attention-grabbing graphics and compelling titles and subtitles. To reach the right target market we need to understand what intrigues and interests those folks. By using carefully chosen keywords and appropriate fonts in the title, selecting symbolic colors and imagery, and using the right style of photos and/or graphics we can create the most effective message for each specific target market. As a result, each book cover appeals to the right audience. The following 2 books are for managers, leaders and directors…
Have you ever wondered how to make your flyer, poster, ad, or postcard convert more prospects into customers? Do you want to know the secrets to grabbing more attention with compelling marketing materials? It all comes down grabbing attention, creating the right perceptions and using the proper messaging. Recently my design team created direct mail postcards and posters for a biannual Potters’ Guild Pottery Sale that drew in more attendees than ever before. The attractive design and powerful, precise message may have made the difference in the higher number of attendees. Here’s how we did it. Attractively Showcase the Products We…
Using the proper graphics file formats and resolution for the job can mean the difference between a professional-looking document and one that looks blurry or is missing graphics. Graphic file formats for the Internet and professional printing are totally different animals. Do not interchange them! Proper Graphics File Formats for the Internet Low-resolution raster graphics are used on the Internet. These graphics are made up of thousands of pixels (squares of color). Internet browsers will read JPG, PING and GIF graphics, which are best scanned at or saved to 72 PPI (pixels per inch). Because of the limits of screen…
How do professional designers effectively use color to enhance book covers? Vibrant colors can enhance book cover design and add an exciting dimension to your marketing materials, but no one has to tell you 4-color graphics cost a lot more to print than black and white or 2-color graphics. How do you determine when it’s cost effective to go the distance and get full color? In my experience, items such as book covers and DVD/CD packages need to sell themselves on appearance alone. Often impulse buys, these items merit vibrant colors and attention-grabbing graphics or they fade away on the…
Are you stumped by new acronyms that have suddenly popped up and become part of the current lexicon in the publishing, marketing or advertising arenas? I’ve notice new acronyms are born whenever there is a new leap in technology, such as the emerging field of ebook publishing. Here are definitions of some and newly coined and common acronyms used in self-publishing, printing and graphic design. AI — Adobe Illustrator A vector-based graphic file format developed by Adobe. BMP — Bitmap A raster-based file format. CMYK— Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black A four-ink color system used by printers to print full color images. This is…
Once you’ve done all the hard work of writing your book manuscript, you’ll need expert assistance to create a stunning cover and for designing interior pages. You want to make sure the book’s interior marries well with the book’s cover, target market and purpose. I am a book lover in my heart and I have been since I was just learning how to read. I love to go into a book store. I am continuously delighted with the cleverness used in book design, an area where you might think there’s not a lot of room for innovation. In this post, I am going…
You experience harmonious colors in many areas of life: clothing, architecture, interior design, jewelry, gardening, as well as advertising, marketing, and corporate identity. It becomes easy to select harmonious colors if you follow a proven color theory system. The steps below will show you how to create well-planned color schemes based on the “Bourges color circle” system. In 1918 Albert Bourges based his color theory on a circle of 20 hues. Complementary Colors Complementary colors are exact opposites that enhance one another. When you blend the two together, you get neutral black. When used together, they both appear brighter and…