BLOG: Eye-Popping Tips

From Karen Saunders

Your Branding, Marketing & Self-Publishing Coach

Posts About ‘copyright infringement’

December 28th, 2015 | By: Karen Saunders

How to Trademark a Logo, Brand Name or Business Name

After reading about another local trademark infringement case, I thought I would provide basic facts and information on how to trademark a logo, brand name or business name. So I listened to a presentation by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and have posted my notes below. But first, here’s a little background on the local case. In November 2015 Jerry Cunningham, the owner of Q Publishing, the parent company of a 40-year-old magazine, OUT FRONT, filed suit against Outfront Media, Inc., a billboard company. The name and the logos look very similar. Although OUT FRONT magazine has been using…

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October 31st, 2013 | By: Karen Saunders

20 Copyright and Clearance Tips for Self-Publishers

A recent Colorado Independent Publishers Association meeting featured copyright and permissions presentations by John R. Tandler of Ryley, Carlock and Applewhite, and Joyce L. Miller of The Copyright Detective. Here are my notes from this very informative meeting on copyright clearance Not everything can be copyrighted. Only items that can be “fixed in a tangible medium” which then can be reproduced. For example, music that is recorded onto a tape or printed on a sheet, words that are printed on paper, a painting that is on canvas, a photo that is printed on paper or stored digitally all can be copyrighted….

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