Self-publishers: If you’ve written a book, you may want to consider creating a CD or DVD with audio, video or e-media content to add value to your self-published book. Then you can leverage your content and double your price AND your profits on Amazon! First, you will need to open an Amazon Advantage account. This is a consignment program where Amazon requests copies of your product based on current and anticipated customer demand. It works like this: you mail copies of your product to Amazon; when a customer makes a purchase, Amazon’s fulfillment department ships it out directly to the…
In February Google announced that on April 21, 2015 Mobile-friendly Websites(also known as “responsive” websites) will get preference in Google’s search engine results. This means if your website has NOT been optimized for mobile devices you may see it fall in Google’s search rankings. Google states this change in their algorithm will have a significant impact on search results. Google is adding this criteria because they have determined that more and more people are using mobile devices to search the internet and these folks will return to mobile-friendly websites over sites that have not been optimized. Mobile-friendly Websites reconfigure graphics and content on mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones so…
Most authors and entrepreneurs know they need some kind of a marketing plan but few actually create one! Perhaps it just sounds like a big, complicated project that they just don’t have time to do. Or, they really don’t know what a marketing plan looks like. Even though we’re a month in to 2015, it’s not too late to get your marketing plan together for this year. In the free video class “Creating Your Marketing Plan for 2015” social media guide Mary Walewski offers a simple 3 step process that you can use to create a simple marketing plan that…
Book marketing guru Brian Jud spoke at the September CIPA (Colorado Independent Publishers Association) meeting about ways to sell books to other markets besides bookstores. He published the book Beyond the Bookstore back in 2009, and has a new updated edition, How to Make Real Money Selling Books. These books show you how to reach unique retail and non-retail market segments, where you can sell mass quantities of self-published books at a time. Many independent publishers have realized the unfortunate impact of returns when working with bookstores. Returns are shipped back to the publisher at the publisher’s expense and often arrived…
Here are the Details of Our 7-Step Brand, Marketing and Website System Are you a new speaker, author, or consultant? Perhaps you’ve been in business for a while but want to raise your presence in the marketplace. We can guide you through the process of branding and marketing your business online. Our experienced team of branding experts, graphic designers, copywriters, website designers, programmers, and search engine specialists will create a dynamic brand and powerful website to help you meet the marketing goals you’ve set for your business. We’ve developed a seamless 7-step system that builds on and leverages the content…
Kindle Matchbook Program Amazon has just unveiled Kindle Matchbook for ebook publishers. This special program encourages their customers to buy two copies of your book; the printed version at the regular price and the ebook version at a discounted price. Publishers receive approximately 50% royalty on the ebook sold and a standard royalty on the printed book sold. What this means for the publisher is increased revenue; they’re selling two books at one time. The book buyer can immediately download the Kindle version while waiting for the printed version to arrive in the mail. Publishers will need to discount the…
You can use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool to research and choose productive keywords to use in your book marketing campaigns. This free tool allows you to type in a word or phrase then see the results of your search term and additional keyword ideas. Each word or phrase is ranked by competition and by the number of global monthly searches on Google. You want to select and use keywords and phrases that have low competition and high search volume. Go to this page: For this exercise, let’s suppose I’ve published a book on puppy training. I’ve typed in…