BLOG: Eye-Popping Tips

From Karen Saunders

Your Branding, Marketing & Self-Publishing Coach

Posts About ‘Expertise’

November 19th, 2008 | By: Karen Saunders

66 Ways to Turn Your Expertise into Profits

Susan Levin has put together a list of 66 ways to turn your expertise into profits. If you are a speaker, author or coach, it pays (literally) to leverage your intellectual property! Books – Published or Self-Published Mini-Books – Smaller versions of your book with cut-down content used as premiums E-Book– Compile related product information or instructions into an ebook. You could publish it in text, pdf, html format E-Book Of Reviews – Publish an ebook of stuff that’s related to your target audience that you could review like products, web sites, movies, etc Dictionary Of Terms-Publish a web directory or…

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November 30th, 2007 | By: Karen Saunders

7 Crucial Reasons Why You Need to Market Yourself as an Expert

My guest writer today is Nancy Marmolejo, “The Visibility Expert.” You may remember she interviewed me on November 14th for a teleseminar on one-sheets. Today she will share with us why you should market yourself as an expert. With the phenomenal rise of media outlets such as cable TV, online networks, blogs, podcasts, and more, never before has the demand for quality information been higher. From magazine publishers to bloggers, expert opinion is needed to provide valuable content for listeners, readers, and web surfers. As a business owner, you can easily become a recognized expert by taking what you already…

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March 9th, 2006 | By: Karen Saunders

I was part of Mark Victor Hansen’s MEGA Marketing Magic event!

Attending my first MEGA event was a wonderful experience for me. Here you can see Mark Victor Hansen interviewing me on the main stage during my giveaway–I am wearing my “magic hat.” I gave away a copy of my book, “Turn Eye Appeal into Buy Appeal” along with $280 in bonuses. The lucky winner climbed over tables to race up to the stage to get my book! If YOU are interested in ordering my book, click here: As an exhibitor, I was given a breakout session. Mine was called “Graphics Wizardry: Turn Your Branding Concepts into Designs that Magnetize…

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